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- From: Christopher Jefferson <ALMIGHTY>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.conspiracy.area51
- Subject: Re: Nick Humphries, brainless jackoff
- Date: 9 Jun 1996 23:54:30 GMT
- Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <4pfo7m$1k9@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net>
- References: <833837268.16673.2@the-den.demon.co.uk> <4p1g99$514@dfw-ixnews2.ix.netcom.com> <31B8A7C0.1641@pacbell.net> <4pb1aj$d8d@sjx-ixn4.ix.netcom.com> <4pc5vi$2je@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com> <4pc9ue$n24@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:86229 alt.paranet.ufo:52306 alt.conspiracy.area51:11038
- gufon@ix.netcom.com(Gene Huff) wrote:
- >In <4pc5vi$2je@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com> dsutton@ix.netcom.com (Debbie
- >Sutton) writes:
- >>
- >>Now what obnoxious response did sweet ole' me ever come up with?
- >>Gene's the one with the nasty mouth :)
- >
- >-Ahem! I'm not the one who asked Kathy Kasten if the reason she was an
- >idiot was because she drank Nick Humphries cum! Now I'm not saying that
- >Kasten isn't an idiot and I'm not saying that Humphries insn't a
- >brainless jackoff (a subject heading started by you, I might add),
- >however, you're right up there when it comes to nastiness. Besides when
- >you drank too much at Desert Blast the year before last and threw up
- >all over the dry lake bed, your mouth looked as nasty as anyone's I've
- >ever seen!:)-
- Deb, Deb! Say it ain't so! But if it was, I hope it was Jack Daniels!
- Be Seeing You,
- Chris